Augmented Reality for business is no longer a futuristic concept, it is being used today to engage customers and employees by putting them in the center of their own immersive experience.
For enterprise clients we cater to several verticals, all of which with unique requirements to deliver distinctive unique to their brand. By leveraging a bespoke API and hardware configuration in concert with our stable software platform, the sky is literally the limit when you partner with Lampix.
Putting customers at the center of the buying process is everyone’s goal in today’s competitive retail landscape. Bring the convenience and depth of the online shopping experience to your retail space for a truly customer-centric experience.
By using contextual placement, Lampix allows servers to focus on the connection between the guests and the level of hospitality experience they have come to expect, taking tedium out of transaction in exchange for a memorable, personalized experience.
Picture a control panel without a screen, no buttons, no keypad, no cellphones. If you can image that, you know why we call our platform invisible AR.
Bring your design to life with a truly out-of-the-box product enhancement and make something unbelievable when you partner with Lampix
Bring and expanding universe together with AR.
Lampix enables teams to share and edit printed documents from remote locations as though they shared an office. Or win over your newest staff members through immersive training that’s entirely more engaging than a computer or a manual. Infuse video learning, activities, and testing universally while you collect data as accurately as ever.
Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers.
Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.
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